A very cold start again today, felt
colder than yesterday. I didn’t note the beginning temp but we finished at 28 degrees. Today’s road walk was even more open and definitely more breezy, thus the chill that would not go away. I have hiked comfortably with less clothing in these temps before, but with little elevation gain we could not work hard enough to get toasty. Again, there were few places to take trail breaks except behind the occasional old barn.

Every bathroom should have this view
Halfway along our route we stopped at a convenience store/Dairy Queen, but the DQ wasn’t open yet…did we really want ice cream anyway? We sat at a table, removed layers and had our only leisurely snack of this trip, but we knew we had to keep moving because it wasn’t gettin’ no warmer outside.
On a treeless, high elevation stretch of Twin Oaks Road we saw Pilot Mountain clearly to our left (east) and Hanging Rock and the Sauratown Mountains behind it.
Then off to our right (west) and much farther away was the distinct outline of Grand- father Mountain. To the north was a big notch in the mountain range – Fancy Gap? AMAZING. Do the folks on Twin Oaks Road know their good fortune?
On a treeless, high elevation stretch of Twin Oaks Road we saw Pilot Mountain clearly to our left (east) and Hanging Rock and the Sauratown Mountains behind it.
Ultimately we walked into the town of Dobson, with Pilot Mountain in clear view for the last mile. We stopped at the library and had our photo taken in the same spot we had been back in March 2010. A great sense of closure to be completing this gap!
My car’s heat stayed on full blast all the way back home.
Read Danny's blog here
My car’s heat stayed on full blast all the way back home.
Read Danny's blog here
Rise and look around you
On a clear day
How it will astound you...
You will follow every
Mountain, sea and shore
You will see from far and near
A world you've never seen before
~ Alan Jay Lerner
1 comment:
HeY! You've caught up to the end of 2010. That's great!
It's much warmer now. Let's get on the trail.
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