Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back Home - More Tomorrow

We made it back to Charlotte at 5 PM today (Sunday). The real numbers for the weekend were 14 miles Friday, 18 miles Saturday, 9 miles Sunday. That is what the group decided and we're sticking to it! When I wake up from my coma tomorrow I will limp to the computer and start writing up the details. To everyone who saw the articles in the Charlotte Observer, thanks very much for the emails and phone calls. Now send money...Seriously, though, Megan is the person who got the ball rolling on publicity, and she did such an excellent job (with a little help from it being a slow news week) that she is now my manager.


beadsnbangles said...

Sharon, You are so inspirational. I loved the article. Miss seeing you Mondays. I will be keeping up with your progress.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Details of your journey brought Girl Scouting memories flooding back. What a great story - for women of a "certain age", for women's health, and, of course, for the value of Girl Scouting and exploring the great outdoors. I've just made my donation and look forward to watching your progress. You go girl!
- from a neighbor and former yoga classmate

cruz'n said...

I've got a new hero! Not only did you teach me the 'galloping horse theory', but now you're inspiriting me to get off my seat and move!! (Now if you could only come drag me out of bed every morning and deposit me at the local Y . . . )