Tuesday, June 25, 2024

South Dakota: Centennial Trail Day 3 - Mount Rushmore Overlook to Sheridan Lake

South Dakota: Centennial Trail Day 3
Mount Rushmore Overlook to Sheridan Lake
6/7/23 - 18.4 Miles

Setting up camp close to a trail is usually not ideal, but no one passed by us during the night. Nancy and I were up and out early the next morning because we’ve got big miles today, including…

But first we’ve got to get across Grizzly Bear Creek

Ah, here we are!

Nancy opted to tote her full pack up the .8-mile side trail to see the big guys, but I hid mine behind trees at the junction so I could walk unencumbered both physically and mentally.

Did I mention that walk-ins are FREE?

So much to say about Mount Rushmore. The sheer size and execution of the sculpture is breathtaking. At the same time, it is disconcerting that this mountain that the Lakota people call Tunkasila Sakne Paha, or Six Grandfathers Mountain, was taken (many say stolen) to create a tourist attraction. Sounds harsh? Read more about the controversies here.

The National Park Service’s attempt to acknowledge and consult with associated tribal nations in the Black Hills can be found here

If you just want some interesting “fun facts” read here.

Hypocrite that I am, here’s my photo at Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is more than just the granite mountain carving. There is extensive infrastructure to support the crowds, from the massive parking lot to the impressive Visitor Center, souvenir shops and a dining hall – and don’t forget the ice cream station. Nancy and I were ahead of the crowds - in fact, the Carvers’ Cafe was not yet open. What, no breakfast? No coffee? But we walked all this way!

After oohing and aahing at the rock, we explored an exhibit at the Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center depicting the planning and construction of the monument by American sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln, as they directed a team of over 400 men in the work. [The 14-minute film is well worth your time.]

We returned to the now-open dining hall for some sustenance and phone charging and spotty wifi to upload photos and check in at home.  No time now for a full breakfast but we shared a decadent jumbo honeybun loaded with icing (remember, calories!)

Leaving Disney-Rushmore behind, we scampered back to the Centennial Trail, where I reshouldered my somehow-heavier-now backpack. The temperature was rising, as was the terrain, so I knew I would be slowing down. Nancy moved on ahead as we agreed to meet up at a trail junction. I wrangled my sun umbrella into position and was thankful once again for this piece of gear.

Lucky me for the opportunity to chat with this dayhiking group of awesome women,
three generations (proud grandma on the left)

Nancy waiting for me at the junction, demonstrating another great function
of the umbrella: keeping bugs away

We took the spur trail to Horsethief Lake and ate lunch at an unoccupied waterfront campsite. I can understand routing the main trail to bypass the lakes, but I’m glad there are options to get close to the shores. Something about a body of water flanked by trees and reflecting the sky calms my brain, even for a few minutes.

We needed water at this point, although Nancy was not a fan of filtering water from the lake. After we completed the process, we turned around and saw pit toilets and a water faucet. Duh.

From Horsethief Lake, we rejoined the CT as it crosses Hwy 244 at Big Pine Trailhead. From here it’s about 3.3 miles to Samelius Peak Trailhead. The guidebook describes this section as “an easy, quick hike to enjoy typical Black Hills scenery.” By now I was getting tired from carrying a loaded pack, but the terrain winding through open fields was pleasant.

Keeping an eye on trail markers directing us across Old Hill City-Keystone Road

Crossing the RR tracks for the 1880 Train, a tourist attraction between
Hill City and Keystone, SD 

What are the chances that we would encounter the 1880 Train? Pretty good – it runs hourly during the summer season. Nancy loves trains, so we stopped and waved. The tourists loved seeing hikers “in the wild!”

The local neighborhood watch

We heard cars as we walked along a gravel road and Highway 16 appeared. The CT passes underneath the roadway via a tunnel – hoping no critters are in residence!

Near the end of the tunnel is Samelius Peak Trailhead. The CT does not go over the summit; instead, the trail winds around the mountain on the west and north sides. Then the arduous work begins.

Our guidebook casually mentions that we’ll pass over “the highest elevation point of the Centennial Trail” and hints that the level of difficulty is “demanding.” In reality, after going around Samelius Peak, the trail goes over the summit of Mount Warner at 5,889 feet (not named on the maps we were using). Hikers consider this the toughest part of the CT, as in “why the heck didn’t somebody tell me about this part?” [Only later did I study more closely and put together how this section works.]

I pushed hard to get up Mount Warner, expecting at every turn to reach a high point where I would take a break. When I reached the rocky summit, Nancy was sitting pretty and enjoying the view of Black Elk Peak. She’d been there a while, so she moved on while I sat down to contemplate this crazy hiking obsession and the 10,000 other things I could be doing with my life.

Black Elk peak on the horizon

Our plan for tonight was to find a camping spot on the northeast side of Sheridan Lake, about 5 miles further to go. My energy was depleted and the hour was getting late. 

Sheridan Lake

As we descended towards the lake, the terrain was more moderate, but the mileage so far had gotten the best of me. Nancy listened to me sympathetically and posed a question: “Is it okay if I make some decisions for us right now?” Yes, ma’am.

She checked her maps for a closer camping alternative – maybe we could get a site at the campground on the south shore. We turned off the trail onto Calumet Road and began a l-o-n-g walk to the campground. Even on this gentle gravel road I was slow. When campsites appeared, Nancy told me to sit down at a picnic table, drink some water, and wait while she went to find the campground host.

Some minutes (hours? days?) later she returned with the good news that we had gotten the last available campsite – yay! Then the bad news – it’s a couple of miles away on the far side of the property – boo! Then more good news: the host offered to drive us to the site in the back of his pickup truck – double yay!

Smiling through the pain

The sun was sinking as we set up tents after this 12-hour day. I was too tired to boil water for a hot supper. (My appetite was back somewhere around Horsethief Lake.) I ate a Clif bar and some crackers as we looked over maps, formulating a plan for tomorrow.

In the few minutes before I fell asleep in my tent, I thought over how this day began and how it was ending. My attitude and my confidence had slipped significantly when the going got tough. Was it the weight of my new backpack? Not overloaded, but the fit was different than my old pack. Was it the distance – 18.4 miles? My original plan called for roughly 14 miles a day, and we had exceeded that every day so far. For sure my failure to eat properly was a factor. Still, the beauty of the Black Hills was….good night…

"You pick ‘em up, Lord, and I’ll put ‘em down.” 
    Anonymous Tired Hiker

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

South Dakota: Centennial Trail Day 1 – Norbeck Dam to French Creek Horse Camp

South Dakota: Centennial Trail Day 1
Norbeck Dam to French Creek Horse Camp
6/5/23 – 17.1 Miles

New day, new start: Centennial Trail, here we come for real this time! Bridget, our overnight host, trail angel and shuttle driver extraordinaire, drove us to the southern terminus at Norbeck Dam Trailhead in Wind Cave National Park. The ride followed a winding route as part of Bridget’s day supporting folks on the trail. First we picked up a hiker at Bear Butte State Park, the northern terminus, and dropped him at Sheridan Lake. We delivered gear to backpackers at Legion Lake. Nancy and I will be passing all these places on our thru-hike.

Experiencing the “advance” tour with Bridget was priceless. She was full of information and tips, how to act when encountering bison, be sure to ask the camp hosts at French Creek horse camp if we can tent there, on and on. She is a super passionate supporter of the trail and hikers.

Bridget snapped a quick photo, hollered, “Call me if you need ANYTHING!” and was gone.

Here we go! First up, 6 miles through Wind Cave National Park. Since we’re not camping within the park, we skipped checking in at the Visitor Center (I’ll get back to it another day.) Read all about Wind Cave (Is there a cave? Is there wind?) at the official NPS site here, more history and area information here.

The Centennial Trail follows Trail 89 markers…except when it doesn’t. For example, in Wind Cave NP it is Trail 6. If there is no 89, follow the 6.

Fun fact: The Centennial Trail number “89” comes from the date of South Dakota’s statehood, 1889. The trail was built in 1989 to mark the 100th anniversary.

The guidebook cautions hikers to be alert for trail signs. “Buffalo rub against the posts
and knock them down.”

From our very first steps we were captivated by the landscape as the trail wandered through wide open spaces punctuated by tall rock outcrops.

Well, even after reading about tricky intersections in the middle of open prairie, Nancy and I took a wrong turn and went nearly a mile in the wrong direction before stopping to check our maps and apps (I had downloaded offline maps from GAIA and Avenza). We navigated cross-country to get back on track. 

Lesson learned on Day 1: check navigation often!

At Highland Creek, we passed through a gate that separates Wind Cave NP and Custer State Park. Bridget had regaled us with a story about dropping off hikers here last week amid a bison herd swarming the gate – no herd today, thank you very much!

Our long-ago original plan was to hike these first six miles, pass through the gate, and stealth camp somewhere around here. The revised plan meant we had to keep going. This didn’t look like a good place to camp anyway, but we did stop to filter water at Highland Creek.

Water issues can be the biggest challenge of thru-hiking the Centennial Trail. A lot of resources are devoted to identifying water sources and a Facebook page updates the flow – such good trail support, all from fellow hikers and local folks! We never had issues with water, plenty was flowing for us.

Nine miles to go

Custer State Park is a premiere destination in the Black Hills, 71,000 acres, four historic lodges, nine campgrounds, hundreds of miles of trails, and did I mention the bison? Two weeks wouldn’t be enough time to explore and enjoy this marvelous park.

Shortly after we entered the park, we passed through several prairie dog towns, minding our manners to stay on the path and not go tromping around in their communities. The residents popped up from their holes as we walked through, barking warnings to their neighbors that humans were afoot.

The trail changed to a two-lane forest road winding through sparse ponderosa pine ascending, first gently, then more steeply as we left the live trees behind and passed through an old burn area. The grasses have recovered but it’s going to be a long time for the trees.

Heating up in full sun now, no shade anywhere

A prairie rattlesnake – this big fella jumped and so did we!

And a gopher snake, longer than the rattlesnake! Glad Nancy is in front of me.

At last, a patch of woods again

An antelope playing (no deer friends, though)

Looking down at Wildlife Loop Road in the valley (still in Custer State Park), cars were stopped to look at a small bison herd grazing on both sides of the road. The trail took us further down the valley away from the herd where it was safe to cross the road.

Nancy checking in with civilization

Nearing French Creek Horse Camp, I was feeling knackered and a little confused as we intersected with dirt roads (did we stray from the trail?) The camping section for hikers wasn’t obvious, supposedly at the far end of the horse camp? We walked slowly past the corrals, cabins and comfy campsites, and nearly swooned at the sight of a bathhouse with flushing toilets, hot showers and electricity.

The camp host drove by in her golf cart and, remembering Bridget’s advice, we asked if we could set up tents. She kindly pointed out a sweet broad grassy area near the creek, complete with picnic tables. What a relief to end our long first day in such comfort! 

Cooking our first meal on our adventure

On the banks of French Creek (on the other side of the fence)

Day 1 Centennial Trail wildlife checklist: Bison, prairie dogs, two big ol’ snakes, and an antelope.
What will tomorrow bring?

Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

*Original poem “My Western Home”
 by Dr. Brewster Higley
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