Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pips on

Some of you may be familiar with the website It is a journaling site for good people dreaming of, aspiring to, planning for and actually hiking long distance trails, most notably the Appalachian Trail. For the past couple of Januarys I have scrolled through the current year's list to see who is hitting the AT that year, read through some of the preparation entries to see who is detailed and faithful about journaling, and chosen one or two hikers' journals to follow through their adventures. In 2007 I chose two young women, one from Tennessee and one from Oregon (they did not know each other) who were hiking the AT from north to south, or SOBO, beginning in Maine. They began on different dates, but they both completed their hikes, joining the Class of 2007 AT thru-hikers. And guess what: they met each other during their hike. What fun to check in on their journals and see them mention each other's names! It was like a suspenseful TV movie. This year I am following a young woman hiking NOBO whose trail name is Pips. I am cheering for her as she works out foot problems, hiking partner issues and personal joys and discoveries. Check out Pips and all the other great stuff going on at

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in Pips journals because my daughter is also hiking the AT as a NOBO. She started 07/03/08 and has been in Girl Scouts for 13 years. She's earned her Silver Award, leadership award and leadership pin, etc. You can look her up on as Rumbles. From your summary, sounds like Pips problems with her feet, hiking partner, etc. are also what Rumbles is facing. Wouldn't it be great if they could communicate/meet each other!
