Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Make Me Happy

The plan is to head back to the Smokies on Friday for another round of hiking with a new cast of characters, this time from the Carolina Berg Wanderers. I am truly blessed with the variety of people that are willing to walk in the woods with me and help me complete my challenge.

But...while my hiking plan is proceeding nicely, the donations portion is stalling. I have chosen the worst economic climate of my lifetime in which to begin this venture and I know that everyone is facing financial challenges and cutting back...and so are the families of girls who want to go to camp. My husband said recently that aside from his own personal life worries, his main concerns are the big E's - the economy and the environment. I believe that in hard economic times we see what is really important to people as they choose more carefully where their money goes. And I believe that in order to save the environment we need to do more than conserve, we need to teach young people an appreciation for the wonders (and limits) of the natural world.

Give a kid the opportunity to have an awesome outdoor experience for a week, a weekend or even a day, and that can spark her curiosity and her desire to explore further. At the very least she can become a good steward of the world. And maybe she will go on to study and choose a profession in environmental science, the natural sciences, conservation...who knows? Yes, it CAN begin with just that one outdoor experience.

So please, if you are new to this blog or if you check here regularly to see what I'm up to, consider making a donation for girls. We will gladly accept thousands of dollars, but donating a penny a mile is $10 and just as important. (And $20 per mile gets me to my goal of $20,000!) I will walk the 1,000 miles regardless of how much money comes in...but knowing that I am also helping the girls will make the walk even more wonderful.

And now back to our regular program...

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