Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gear, Gear and More Gear

Well, I made a generous donation to REI today and will be testing some new equipment on my first weekend out. I finally found a long handled titanium spoon - I've looked four or five other places and had no luck. I now have a pack cover for my new Aura pack, a tiny headlamp and some other goodies. I am going to look like I just fell off the outfitter truck!

At this time of year you can always plan on some rain and the temperatures will vary greatly from day to night, so planning clothing takes a great deal of thought. I purchased another rain jacket and a pair of thick nylon tights on sale. My clothing system for hiking is pretty much set: a short-sleeved wicking shirt, a long-sleeved wicking shirt, a micro fleece, wicking long underwear (don't think I'll need them) and zip-off pants. This combination has been working for day hiking all winter long. I also have rain pants in case there is a monsoon.

We will be crossing Hazel Creek over a dozen times so I have Crocs to try out. Danny says she just wades on through and keeps going, but I am reluctant to get my boots and socks soaked without at least trying the Crocs first. If it becomes a pain to stop and switch footwear I may rethink that. Food is a big deal because Jim burns a lot of calories (alas, I do not) and he is concerned about starvation. We are planning 2 Mountain House suppers together (which he is supplementing) and everything else is on our own. We will share our little Pocket Rocket stove. I'll bet we return with a lot of food uneaten.

I'm getting pretty nervous here at the 11th hour. Can I really do this? What if the 18 miles on Saturday kills me? I've committed to 982 more! Making this a public commitment means a public failure and my Type A personality wants to check off the miles because I have said that I would. But underneath all this runs a current of anticipation at just being outdoors and seeing what is around the next curve, up the next switchback, behind the next tree. For nearly a year I've said I can't wait to get started..and the wait is almost over.

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