Thursday, April 10, 2008

Heading Out The Door

We are backpacking this weekend for my first outing but I don't normally do much backpacking so have not invested in all the lightest equipment. I will not mention how much our tent weighs (Jim is carrying it because he loves me). I am happy that my pack weighs about 27 pounds so I think I can handle that for 8 miles to the campsite. We plan to hike 18 miles on Saturday in a loop back to the same campsite so daypacks will do for that. Then 8 miles back out on Sunday and heading for home. How hard can that be? Famous last words!

The weather forecast is for rain all three days, so after much hunting around town I found a pack cover that fits well. At some point I will post a gear list of what I like to use; maybe that will be helpful to someone.

Time to go!


  1. Hey Sharon!
    All that time with South Meck Winterguard/Colorguard and I never knew about your passion for hiking. What an amazing, ambitious, exciting project! I look forward to your blogging and I will definitely contribute to the cause.
    PS - you are doing a great job writing so far!

  2. Let this be words of encouragement, both now and throughout your life's journey. Sometimes, as you're struggling up that hill, or with your mind all torn up by the shortage of water in your pack.....a word well spoken in season makes a world of difference. That'll be me, wishing you well.

    Godspeed, Girl Scout!
