Saturday, June 25, 2022

Blacksburg VA Remote Work Week 2021: Cascades Hike & Cruising Giles County

Blacksburg Remote Work Week: Cascades Hike – 6/13/21 - 4 miles

Today Jim and I headed just a few miles west of Blacksburg to a special spot for all Hokies: Cascades Waterfall in Jefferson National Forest. 

I’ve blogged about this hike several times (here and here) so I won’t get into great detail. We took the more scenic Lower Trail to the Falls and the Upper Trail to return to the parking lot. Little Stony Creek was flowing beautifully and even the air was saturated with early summer green.

Since we didn’t have to rush back to anywhere (we live here this week, remember?) we took a scenic drive around Giles County. We had lunch on the veranda at Mountain Lake Lodge of “Dirty Dancing” fame.

Did Baby dance down these steps?

There are still a couple of covered bridges in Giles County. We stopped to look at the Link Farm Covered Bridge over Sinking Creek, built in 1912. (This bridge is on private property so we zoomed in from the road.)

Is there a brewery open on Sunday night in Blacksburg? Why, yes, there is: Eastern Divide Brewery on the east side of town, a new industrial space with a wide grassy outdoor space for kids to run around. 

A couple of folks sitting at nearby tables struck up conversation and we were so immersed in the fellowship that we forgot to eat supper! We ordered takeout as the brewery was closing.  One of our new friends invited us to his home for dinner with friends later in the week.

Building community, checking off boxes, adding reasons why Blacksburg is the best place on earth…

“What if the Hokie Pokey really is 
what it’s all about?”
 ~a Virginia Tech fan 

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