Monday, September 18, 2017

New Year's Day 2017 - Stone Mountain State Park

Stone Mountain State Park – New Year’s Day Hike – 1/1/17 - 9 Miles

I’ve blogged about Stone Mountain State Park several times, so I’ll keep this hike report simple.  The Carolina Berg Wanderers, my local Charlotte hiking club, spent a terrific day celebrating the start of a new year at one of my favorite North Carolina state parks.

Our route from the upper trailhead parking lot: Stone Mountain Loop, Wolf Rock Trail to Cedar Rock, Black Jack Trail, took a brief detour to the meadow to see the base of the rock face, then took another detour out-and-back to Middle Falls and Lower Falls, then completed the Stone Mountain Loop including Stone Mountain Falls.  All together, about 9 miles of chills and thrills to begin 2017!

These first photos are taken as we were walking on the top of Stone Mountain, looking over at Cedar Rock.  Halfway through our hike we looked from there back to here. Very cool, am I right?

 Our intrepid hike leader, Barbara

Wolf Rock moonscape 

Looking at Stone Mountain from Cedar Rock

View from the meadow at the base of Stone Mountain

On the stairs to the waterfall we met Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts, probably looking for a little peace and inspiration for the New Year
Stone Mountain Waterfall

First Day Hiking with my sweetie

 “We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” ~Hillary DePiano


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