Friday, August 7, 2015

Roaring Fork Falls & Setrock Creek Falls

Waterfall Hiking With Brett – 6/28/15 - Roaring Fork Falls & Setrock Creek Falls – 2.5 Miles

Jim was away on a bike trip so I coaxed our son Brett to explore a couple of waterfalls with me.  Kind of a long drive for two short hikes, but good company and a good meal enhanced the outing and we had fun getting our amateur photography on. [The photos at the link below are really great and we are blaming ours on the bright sunshine and corresponding shadows.]

Roaring Fork Falls and Setrock Creek Falls are just a few miles apart on gravel roads at the shadowy base of Mount Mitchell in North Carolina.  Blue Ridge Parkway, go north onto N.C. 80, then left on South Toe River Road. For more detailed directions, consult Kevin Adams’ North Carolina Waterfalls.

The trail to Roaring Fork Falls is about a half-mile of old logging road and a quarter-mile of true trail.  We had the falls to ourselves for a bit before more waterfall seekers arrived.  A generous multi-level flow 45 feet high.

Roaring Fork Falls

Unlike his mother, Brett isn’t worried about slipping or getting his feet wet

The shot

Rhododendrons in full riot bloom everywhere we went

Next up:  Setrock Creek Falls.  The trail begins from the parking area at Black Mountain Campground (a terrific base campground for hiking the Mount Mitchell trails; you can also buy ice cream there for energy).

Setrock Creek Falls, actually taller than Roaring Fork Falls but just dribbling today from the upper tiers.  The width of the rock bed gives an indication of just how much water can come through during heavy rains.  Some folks have entertained themselves building rock cairns. 

The pool at the base of Setrock Creek Falls

Waterfall hikes are some of the most memorable for me.  It’s easy to conjure up who was with me, the sounds of the water flowing, the breeze blowing, the time of year, the flowers, the temperature.  Those images assist me in contemplative prayer and mindfulness meditation.  Have you tried it?  Close your eyes…

"If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." ~Dalai Lama

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