Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do Not Enter

MST – Day 10 - 1/16/10 – N.C. 50 to Six Forks Road – 14.5 Miles

Another early start, on the trail by 8:05 a.m., temps in the mid 30’s. Kate’s husband, Dan, joined us today. This section of the Falls Lake MST is more than ten years old and very easy to follow. There were fewer old home sites, more road crossings (I’ve started to think of them as trail intersections) and it seemed that we blew through the sections at lightning speed, not rushing, but easy walking.

Random images from the day:
I hope it's not hiker season

A welcoming grapevine wreath and one of the trail builders' signature bridges

A surprise -The Norwood cemetery

Look closely - the white line between the shore and its reflection is ice

A very impressive bridge and steps project - you won't see this in the Smokies

That's one big tree

The day warmed up nicely and people poked their heads out for a breath of air. Blue Jay Point County Park seems very popular and it was nice to see families out enjoying their public spaces. Of course, along with the people were their pets – dogs galore and a couple of them not on leashes. Ah well…The most egregious incident was when I came upon a man with a very large dog doing what dogs do when they get outside, and the man looked at me, turned away and moved on without cleaning up after his pet. Don’t you wonder sometimes what people are thinking?

Kate and Dan taking a break

Love the irony: A white dot blaze on a "do not enter" sign.

I enjoyed today’s hike very much and thought how fortunate the residents of the Triangle area are to have 50 miles of trail to walk on. I have great appreciation for the trail builders and maintainers in this neck of the woods!

We continued our by now familiar ritual of shuttling cars, returned to Kate and Dan’s home to clean up, and went out for a well-deserved Chinese dinner. Just as we were ordering dessert, I received a call from my husband that our son had been in an auto accident – he wasn’t hurt but the car sure was – so I decided that I should skip the final day of hiking and get home to be a wife and mom. Danny and Kate completed the Falls Lake section the next day and you can read Danny’s account of that here.  

Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow. ~Henry David Thoreau

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