Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Late September View at Clingman's Dome

A few weeks ago I was lured back for my first Smokies hike since finishing the Smokies 900 challenge back in April. My buddy Judy is working on completing her miles and asked me to join her on an overnight loop of (gasp) the AT/Welch Ridge/Hazel Creek/Cold Spring Gap/Welch Ridge/AT with a little side jaunt in-and-out of Bone Valley.

The air was cold but clear, no wind. We had some difficulty leaving the parking lot at Clingman's Dome because of the early morning awesomeness of the views. I narrowed my pre-hike photos down to the following. Click on each one to enlarge and sit back and enjoy the view with me:
All photos are looking down on the NC side of the Park

Who needs the Grand Tetons anyway?

 Next time I'm bringing a lawn chair and staying a while

The clouds look like a river of silver

More layers of mountains today than I have ever counted before 

Can you choose a favorite photo here? I can't.

Is it any wonder why we return to this place over and over again? At last Judy and I set off on another ambitious walk in the woods.  

The mountains are calling and I must go. ~ John Muir


  1. Every Sunday when I get home from a loooooooong drive up to the Smokies I say "that's it..I'm taking a few months off". By Wednesday I'm looking at more pictures and by Thursday I'm planning my next hike. Thanks a lot Sharon, I was going to take this weekend off! :o)

  2. Terrific photos Sharon - kind of like potato chips - you can't have just one!

  3. Wow!
    Fantastic pictures.
    Did you take pictures of anything else on this trip?

  4. I've got a few more photos up my sleeve from this trip - the bear at Double Spring Gap shelter

  5. Great Blog! The pictures are spectacular. Keep up the good work.
