Sunday, April 12, 2009

Journey's End

And a good time was had by all!

I will write a thorough posting in the next couple of days - for now, a poem from a recent worship service at my church:

Unlock the door, discard the key
Come out and venture with me
Forget the past, the deeds once done
Come rise to the new day and the sun
Carry no load, travel light
Cast off the shadows of the night
Go the way which many have trod
Venture out as a child of God
There are no maps for the trail ahead
Yet that should not fill you with dread
The path unknown that before you lies
Will twist and wind until you arise
Wherever you go throughout the land
You are always in the Father's hand.
~ Author Unknown


  1. Congratulations Sharon! I have enjoyed your journal so much, and hope to see you on the trail again in the future!
