Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Another year over, a new one just begun...2008 was a great and a terribly sad time for me. The hiking project has far exceeded my expectations - I am physically capable of doing even the hardest hikes, I have met fantastic people and made some great new friends, my husband and kids have been very supportive, and I am still eager each day to get on the trail. I also lost my dad in July and, coupled with the loss of my mom in January 2007, some days are difficult to get through. But God is great and I am blessed, and I look forward to 2009 and new experiences and hope that my parents are looking down on me on the trails.


  1. Happy New Year! I loved this blog. Of course, you're capable of doing all these trails, even the hardest. You're strong, organized and eager to do this.
    I'm also delighted that your daughters came to help you out on a couple of trails.


  2. It used to feel like years just whipped on by. Now, even though they are still accelerating in their passing, the impact each seems to have is also deepening. I share in your joys and aches over 2008, give praises to God for the way He is carrying each of us through all these times and trials, and pray that 2009 will be a year of tremendous growth for you in each of these areas in your life!

  3. Glad to see you're still hiking. Looks like you had some great trips with your girls. We miss seeing you.
