Sunday, October 19, 2008

Guest Writer

Hello, this is Jim. I am Smoky Scout’s significant other. I am very proud her and find her blogs enter- taining. I thought it would be interesting to provide another point of view to our hike. Here is what was running around in my head for 19 miles:

Yikes, it’s dark but my watch says it’s 6:30… SmokyScout says it’s time to get up…at least I am not too sore from yesterday’s 18 miles…except for my “long toes’, the ones next to my big toes, they feel pretty beat up…look it too…SmokyScout is in a good mood for this early…I think she is trying to influence my mood…good luck…I love the outdoors and hiking but this is fanatical…just like me and cycling I guess…I’ll let SmokyScout drive to Clingmans…I’m sleepy and kinda grumpy…oh joy!! It’s cold and foggy up here…I’ll choke down this bagel and juice in the car while waiting for the sun…SmokyScout is still tolerant of my mood…I’m lucky to have her…all right, let’s start down the trail…SmokyScout has poles…are they worth the trouble to carry???...she says so…down, down, down the trail…at least I have a toy to play with, a new GPS…I’ll keep track of everywhere we go…yeah !! that’s the ticket, I’ll play with the GPS!!…very cool, damp and still foggy…down, down, down…crap, every step down means a step up later in the day…this hiking is waking me mood is better…still feeling quiet, though…down, down, down…my thighs feel it…my long toes are not happy…finally at the bottom…it’s sunny…actually it’s beautiful…where are we??...check the GPS…don’t trip…march, march, march…I start talking with SmokyScout…GPS says we are on schedule, ma’am…dang, a creek crossing..I’ll just hop across the rocks…no problem…SmokyScout, let me help you...too late…ah, you’re wearing wool socks, your feet will be fine...march, march, march…more creek crossings…I like the mental challenge of choosing the best path and the physical challenge of making it without falling in…I have a great sense of balance (in my mind at least)…hey, here’s a crossing with a very skinny footbridge but no railing…about 10’ high…what the heck, I’ll use it…why is SmokyScout rolling her eyes??…I made it, no problem…let’s eat…these cookies are crushed into crumbs...march, march, march…looks like we are headed back up…what’s the name of this trail?…up, up, up…I’m feeling pretty good…I’m just a soldier, point me in the right direction…up, up, up…I like this, it's like riding a bike uphill…heart is pounding, lungs are heaving, legs are burning…but I like it…up, up, up…uh oh, where is SmokyScout???...shoot, I got carried away…I need to wait…here she is...hmmm, we have switched roles…I feel great…the endorphins have kicked in…this is a high ridge trail…it’s beautiful…clear sky, fall colors, cool, gentle breeze…I love fall…glad the Hokies are not playing today…SmokyScout is looking pokey…need to pump her up…c’mon, let's get up this ridge…I can see Clingmans…you can do it…I’m starving…c’mon we are just about on top of Clingmans…I’m hungry…”on top of old Smoky, all covered with cheese”…GPS says 6300’ we are just about there!!!...crap!!! I see the observation tower on the next ridge, not this one…we are NOT there yet!!!...c’mon, SmokyScout, think of the girls you are helping…march, march, march…up, up, up….Napoleon, we have arrived!!.....march up the tower…great view but I am hungry…let’s go…down the path to the parking lot…yikes, this path is steep…hey, who is this crazy guy talking to SmokyScout…let’s go to Cherokee to eat…I am starving…hurray!!! there’s a pizza joint…I love pizza…I’m stuffed…let’s get to camp…it was a fun day…good night, SmokyScout…thanks for everything…zzzz