Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In Memory

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss

My dad passed away on Tuesday, July 29, at 3:40 a.m. I had the privilege of being with him and holding his hand, as I had with my mom. Most people do not get that opportunity and I got it twice. He was a funny guy, a true optimist, and in the short time he had been at his assisted living facility the residents and staff had grown very attached to him. The man who transported him from there to the funeral home told the director that it was the first time he had ever been to a nursing home facility to get someone where the staff were all upset.

Some of you know that my idea of this hiking project originated partially in response to losing my mom in January 2007. At that time I began to think, as most people probably do at the loss of a parent, about how I was spending my time, what God wanted me to do, and what I wanted to see when I someday look back. Now my quest is renewed. I will be taking the next several weeks to enjoy my daughter Laura and her preparations for college but I may slip away for a couple of days on the trails. For all of you out there, thanks for your attention and caring. Take some time out to think about your life and your family and time.

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