Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cataloochee - Day Five - Bumping Up Mileage

Monday, May 26: Rough Fork Trail to Woody House and Back (Again) - 2 Miles

After another night snoozing to the babbling sound of the creek at our campsite, we breakfasted in style once again courtesy of Nora. Then we proceeded to figure out how the items we had packed for our trip had doubled in size and yet had to fit back in the vehicles that brung 'em. Have you ever noticed that? Even though the food has been consumed and theoretically there is less stuff, it seems to take up more space. I was hitching a ride home with Taryn (since Stephanie had left the previous day) and Taryn's car is smaller, but still...why did I bring two pairs of boots? And two pairs of sandals? And those Crocs? The Girl Scout motto is be prepared!

Our team of experts took down and folded the world's largest tarp and somehow everything got stowed into Ginger's truck so that Jessie did not have to become a hood ornament. We parted ways - Jessie, Nora and Ginger headed to see more historical buildings and I took Taryn to see the Woody House, which the rest of us had already visited. (I had an ulterior motive: Up to this point I had hiked 39.8 miles and I wanted to boost it over the 40-mile mark, and the 2-mile walk to and from the Woody House would do the trick, even if it was repeat mileage.)

Taryn and I also checked out the Beech School (see the story from Day Four) and imagined ourselves as pupils there, learning in the two rooms and playing in the creek that runs alongside it. Is life better now with schools that house thousands of students?

Then the long drive home (thanks Taryn) and re-entry into civilization. I had not washed my hair in four days and really did not mind. I did notice that Jim was not as enamored of me as usual...All in all, I am now quite spoiled, as this was a dream of a trip for my hiking project: Friends to hike with and camp with, someone to drive me around, someone to provide sustenance, and fellowship and conversation at the end of the day. I hope people are lining up to spend more weekends like this!

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