Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is She Ever Going Back To The Smokies???

Yes, I am leaving tomorrow headed back to the Great Smoky Mountains! I will be camping and hiking with a great group of Girl Scout adults in a fantastic part of the Park (which I won't tell until I'm back because it's not smart to advertise your location on the internet, ya know). I will be putting miles on my boots for four fun-filled days. Can't wait! In the meantime, please consider sending in your donation for our worthy cause, outdoor programs for Girl Scouts (see right). It would be grand to come back from this Memorial Day weekend and see the donor list growing longer and stronger! (Remember, it takes a few days for me to get updated donor lists and totals to put on the blog) Also, feel free to give encouragement by commenting on the blog. It keeps me going! Thanks for your support!

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